Cannabidiol (CBD) is one of the principal compounds found in cannabinoids that are derived from cannabis. CBD has no psychotropic effects, which make it different than THC, another compound from the plant.
There have been increasing studies about its benefits, and scientists have been more interested to find out if it can be used clinically to cure diseases or even humans themselves. In some countries, it’s already legal, albeit with a prescription or medical card, but it’s still considered illegal in some other places. Many online shops sell CBD oil, and you need to check their website for their shipping policy regarding this matter.
So how much cannabidiol should be given to dogs?
There is no specific dosage for CBD oil since it’s safe and has a lot of health benefits. But there are some recommended dosages of CBD taken by humans, so you can take note of this when buying the product, if ever. You have to consider that dogs have smaller body mass compared to human beings and their digestive system is also faster, which means they will absorb more cannabinoids like CBD than humans with the same amount of dosage.
The most common problem when using CBD in dogs is that it does not entirely affect after oral intake because only a tiny percentage will be absorbed through the digestive tract. Most of its active parts tend to stay inside the dog’s body and are discarded with feces. If you want the full benefits of cannabidiol, then it is highly recommended to use CBD oil for dogs.
CBD oil for dogs contains a higher concentration of cannabidiol, and this will be absorbed by your dog’s body easily. It would help if you considered several factors when giving the best cbd oil for dogs to your dogs, such as frequency, dosage, and method of administration. You also have to check if there are some allergies or other illness conditions associated with using cannabidiol on dogs.
A Guide To Using Cannabidiol For Dogs – How Much Should They Take and When?
Before we go into details about how much CBD dosage your dog should administer or take, let us first look at the product’s safety data. The hemp used for producing this oil is 100% organic and natural. It is devoid of any pollutants or toxic chemicals that might harm your dog in any way. There were no side effects reported during several studies about its safety and efficacy on dogs. Still, there are some conditions where CBD use should be avoided, such as allergies to other drugs like ibuprofen, aspirin, cimetidine, and Zyrtec. You should also let your veterinarian know if you gave CBD to your dog because sometimes there might be a need for dosage adjustment due to certain illness conditions associated with using cannabidiol on dogs.